In this lecture Sue will talk about the many benefits of working in a series and give you some tools and techniques that you can use to start working on a series of your own. She'll also talk about what she calls the 7 stages of art making, how to work through and learn from each of them, the 5 keys to success and some strategies for dealing with that pesky inner critique that we all struggle with from time to time.
The meeting is a Hybrid meeting. Members and guests are able to attend in-person at Birmingham Unitarian Church or via the guild's Zoom link. The speaker will be joining us via Zoom. Guests are welcome to attend for $10 and may pre-register online or pay at the door.
© Copyright 2025 Great Lakes Heritage Quilters is a 501(c)4 non-profit social organization and our purpose is to stimulate an interest in quilting, educate our members, and engage in charitable projects that benefit our community.